Thursday, June 7, 2012

Big Butt Baby Pants

Baby Eli has a big butt. It never fits in pants that are supposedly his size, even when the leg width and length are perfect. It's not his actual rear, mind you - his little tush is perfectly proportioned, suitably chubby and quite adorable, really; it's his diapers. Anyone who has little ones in cloth diapers knows the dilemma - how to find pants that accommodate the extra bulk of diaper without swimming on those precious polkies.

Rae has shared her solution and I've been itching to make a pair of her big butt baby pants for a while now. After whipping these out in a couple of post-bedtime evenings I couldn't help but get fabric for another pair. I think they may be both addictive and adorable - oh yes, and so very convenient for mamas with big butt babies.

I used a couple of fabrics from Jenean Morrison's Silent Cinema collection, purchased at The Linden Tree, which is becoming one of my favorite little shops (the fabric selection is relatively small, but good; the women who work there are great babysitters and somehow remember my name though I've only been in a few times; and the store is practically in my backyard - I can make a quick stop there on my way to the coop even with both little ones in tow). I made the 6-12 month size, so there's plenty of room for the little man to grow into them throughout the summer.

I'm kind of in love - both with the pants and the big butt they clothe.