Tuesday, October 9, 2012

KCWC Day 1 - Big Butt Baby Car Jeans

I decided at the last minute (though truth be told, I had been considering it for a while) to join in on Elsie Marley's Kids Clothes Week Challenge. I'm certain I won't be able to spend as much time devoted to sewing as I'd like to this week, but I figure if I make it official the support and motivation of the group will keep me sewing when I can. At the very least, it will be fun to gather inspiration from all the others who really will be able to throw themselves into some serious sewing. 

For day one I completed another pair of Big Butt Baby Pants (pattern by Rae), but this time in heavier fabrics for the cooler weather. I used a denim from Joanne and canvas Trefle by Kokka, which I was lucky enough to get from a small remnant in the sale section at Crafty Planet. I love this fabric and love love the ways the pants turned out. I had actually started the pants last week, but completion is half the battle around here - so, no, this is not cheating.

Let me just add, that never before have I had such a hard time getting a photograph of pants - or anything for that matter. Our boy is seriously on the move and getting into all sorts of baby trouble. In the course of our photo shoot books were kicked over, rugs were pulled up from the floor and wrapped around his little bod burrito style, dolls were pulled at and made soggy with baby spittle and my camera was in jeopardy of being yanked from my grasp (perhaps you weren't aware that those bulky neck straps are actually made to soothe the sore gums of teething babies). It would be embarrassing to tell you how many photos I took, most of which were blurs of wagging feet and shuffling butts. 

He thought this was all very funny.

lunging for mama's camera strap
Yes, our boy is on the move, keeping us on our toes - and getting underneath our toes. Now back to chasing these characters around - and hopefully getting to work as soon as they hit the sack. Happy sewing to you all!


  1. of COURSE you're doing kcwc! i was going to email you a few days ago and ask like a grade schooler if you would do it with me, but i backed out b/c my sister is visiting right now (and reese hasn't napped in 6 weeks), hence my email this morning! but i'm taking it as a sign that i should do it! yeah!

    1. Yikes. REESE hasn't napped??
      It is a sign. Just go for it.

  2. oh man!! LOVE those little cars. You made a cute pair of pants here my friend!!!

